2023 Sprout Fellowship
The Sprout Ideas Fellowship is a 10-month program that began in April 2023 to support #RisingYouth microgrant recipients and other Canada Service Corps alumni to implement and scale their community service projects.
What is it?
About the Sprout Ideas Fellowship
Through the Sprout Ideas Fellowship, participating youth have received a welcome box of curated items and a copy of the Flourish Workbook published by TakingITGlobal featuring insights from 50 social innovators.
Meet the Fellows

Program objective
Mission of the fellowship
Between April 2023 and January 2024, Fellows are assigned a Fellowship Support Coordinator who will coach and guide them through a series of program activities including training, mentorship, peer learning, project implementation, and funding in support of their volunteer-led project.
Fellows have access to exclusive content and insights from experts on a range of topics including:
- Designing for Impact
- Understanding Systems and Sectors
- Cultivating Creative Space
- Developing a Unique Approach
- Attracting Needed Resources
- Forming Partnerships
- Finding Team Members
- Building Momentum
- Reflecting and Adapting
- Staying Nourished
- Keeping Commitments
- Celebrating Milestones
Fellowship Partners
We are grateful for our partners and their support of young people as they contribute to a movement of youth-led community impact.
The Sprout Ideas Fellowship is funded in part by Canada Service Corps, a national movement that empowers youth aged 15 to 30 to gain experience and build important skills while giving back to their community. Learn more at Canada.ca/CanadaServiceCorps